MC-18 - The Great Redstone Enhancement Project #18

opened 2020-01-08 12:15:46 +01:00 by Dandellion · 2 comments
Dandellion commented 2020-01-08 12:15:46 +01:00 (Migrated from


  • Cactus in dispensers rotates blocks. dependent on
  • Dispensers can feed animals
  • Dispenser can places a block in front of itself.
  • Dispensers can milk cows.
  • Dispensers can play records - Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of them
  • Dispensers can toggle with a stick things like buttons, doors, repeaters

Auto-crafting dropper
If a dropper points to a crafting table
and has a valid recipe in its 3x3 it crafts it.
Overrides comparators so they indicate number of filled slots instead
Also makes hoppers, droppers and dispensers input max 1 item per slot.
This is essentially emulating how the brewing stand works but as a crafting table


  • comparator reads clock - Allows Comparators to read the daytime instead of the rotation of clocks in item frames


movable Block Entities - Pistons can move chests, dispensers, furnaces and so on. This is already a feature in bedrock edition.

**Dispensers** * Cactus in dispensers rotates blocks. dependent on #17 * Dispensers can feed animals * Dispenser can places a block in front of itself. * Dispensers can milk cows. * Dispensers can play records - Dispensers can play records if there's a jukebox in front of them * Dispensers can toggle with a stick things like buttons, doors, repeaters **Droppers** Auto-crafting dropper If a dropper points to a crafting table and has a valid recipe in its 3x3 it crafts it. Overrides comparators so they indicate number of filled slots instead Also makes hoppers, droppers and dispensers input max 1 item per slot. This is essentially emulating how the brewing stand works but as a crafting table **Comparator** * comparator reads clock - Allows Comparators to read the daytime instead of the rotation of clocks in item frames **Pistons** movable Block Entities - Pistons can move chests, dispensers, furnaces and so on. This is already a feature in bedrock edition.
Dandellion commented 2020-01-08 12:15:46 +01:00 (Migrated from

changed milestone to %3

changed milestone to %3
Dandellion commented 2020-01-08 12:27:32 +01:00 (Migrated from

I am partial to dispensers feeding animals, and sticks toggling levers

I am partial to dispensers feeding animals, and sticks toggling levers
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Reference: DODSORFAS/minecraft-datapacks#18
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