Daniel Løvbrøtte Olsen a8bfeda4bd customize armor stands
2020-03-19 15:59:23 +01:00

26 lines
668 B

# Description: Issue control book
# Called by: command block
# Entity @s: player
# Trigger values in use are: 1-12 Style settings
# 20-39 Pose presets
# 40-51 Nudge position
# 52-57 Adjust rotation
# 60-95 Pose adjustment
# 101-112 Nudge position
# 120-123 Angle step
# 124-125 Face towards or away
# 131-135 Pose mirror and flip
# 141-142 Pose presets
# 151-155 Auto alignment
# 161-162 Exchange Slots
# 999 Check target
# 1000-1003 Lock and seal
# 1004-1005 Copy and paste
# Give control book
loot give @s loot as:book