Daniel Løvbrøtte Olsen a8bfeda4bd customize armor stands
2020-03-19 15:59:23 +01:00

22 lines
1.6 KiB

# Description: Copies stored book from storage into mainhand or offhand
# Called by: as_statue:trigger\copy
# Entity @s: player
# Copies data to a temp pig
summon minecraft:pig ~ 0 ~ {DeathLootTable:"as:replace", Invulnerable:1b, NoGravity:1b, Silent:1b, ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}], NoAI:1b, PersistenceRequired:1b, Tags:["as_temp"], HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone_button", Count:1b, tag:{ Enchantments:[{ lvl:1s, id:"minecraft:looting"} ]}},{}] }
data modify entity @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] HandItems[1] set from storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem
# Copies count to looting for book count
execute store result entity @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] HandItems[0].tag.Enchantments[0].lvl short 1 run data get storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.Count
execute if entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] as @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, limit=1,sort=nearest] run loot replace entity @p[tag=as_selected] weapon.mainhand kill @s
execute if entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:written_book", Slot:-106b, tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}]}] unless entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] as @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] run loot replace entity @p[tag=as_selected] weapon.offhand kill @s
# Kills temp pig
tp @e[type=minecraft:pig, tag=as_temp] ~ -300 ~
kill @e[type=minecraft:pig, tag=as_temp]