More parts of spec was forgotten that day.

Now that lone " makes sense
This commit is contained in:
Daniel Løvbrøtte Olsen 2015-10-29 13:21:31 +01:00
parent 87e8ff596d
commit 4c3821fa0e

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@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ forEach ($User in $Users)
#Hack to fix weird spaces between characters
$username = $username -replace " ", ""
#Write the command to a batfile to run in a normal cmd window
"dsadd user `"cn=$username, ou=Illuminati, dc=datavg2, dc=local -fn $firstname -ln $lastname -pwd Admin123" | out-file run.bat -Encoding "UTF8" -Append
"dsadd user `"cn=$username, ou=Illuminati, dc=datavg2, dc=local`" -fn $firstname -ln $lastname -pwd Admin123" | out-file run.bat -Encoding "UTF8" -Append
#Hack to wait .2 seconds between each command, because Active Directory can't keep up
#This ip adress is reserved for documentation, so it will never reach anything. > nul is to supress the output
"ping -n 1 -w 2 > nul" | out-file run.bat -Encoding "UTF8" -Append