#ifndef borg_h #define borg_h #include "Arduino.h" #include <FastLED.h> struct LEDSelect { byte side; byte column; byte row; }; // Decodes side, column, row into n LED int decodeLED(LEDSelect selection); void encodeLED(int n, LEDSelect* Result); /* ** Set Color ** Takes a led selection, ** The last two propertries can be 255, meaning no information ** the property that is 255 will be inclusively filled with the CRGB color */ bool setColor(LEDSelect selection, CRGB color, CRGB* leds); // Sets every color that isn't black bool updateColors(LEDSelect selection, CRGB* leds); // Mirrors one side to every other side bool mirror(byte side, CRGB* leds); //Prints large X in a given color void printError(CRGB color, CRGB* leds); int decodeLED(LEDSelect selection) { return 9 * selection.side + 3 * selection.row + selection.column; } void encodeLED(int n, LEDSelect* Result) { Result->side = n / 9; Result->column = n % 9 / 3; Result->row = n % 9 % 3; } bool setColor(LEDSelect selection, CRGB color, CRGB* leds) { if (selection.side == 255) { return false; } if (selection.column == 255 && selection.row == 255) { for (byte n = 0; n < 9; n++) { leds[selection.side * 9 + n] = color; } return true; } else if (selection.column == 255 && selection.row != 255) { for (byte n = 0; n < 3; n++) { leds[decodeLED({ selection.side, n, selection.row })] = color; } return true; } else if (selection.column != 255 && selection.row == 255) { for (byte n = 0; n < 3; n++) { leds[decodeLED({ selection.side, selection.column, n })] = color; } return true; } else if (selection.column != 255 && selection.row != 255) { leds[decodeLED(selection)] = color; return true; } else { return false; } } bool updateColors(LEDSelect selection, CRGB color, CRGB* leds) { if (selection.side == 255) { return false; } if (selection.column == 255 && selection.row == 255) { for (int n = 0; n < 9; n++) { CRGB* led = &leds[selection.side * 9 + n]; if (*led != (CRGB) 0x000000) { *led = color; } } return true; } else if (selection.column == 255 && selection.row != 255) { for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { CRGB* led = &leds[decodeLED({ selection.side, n, selection.row })]; if (*led != (CRGB)0x000000) { *led = color; } } return true; } else if (selection.column != 255 && selection.row == 255) { for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) { CRGB* led = &leds[decodeLED({ selection.side, selection.column, n })]; if (*led != (CRGB) 0x000000) { *led = color; } } return true; } else if (selection.column != 255 && selection.row != 255) { CRGB* led = &leds[decodeLED(selection)]; if (*led != (CRGB) 0x000000) { *led = color; } return true; } else { return false; } } bool mirror(byte side, CRGB* leds) { /*TODO: figure out memory structure, copy the nine leds to the the different memory parts, so it the text is displayed on all sides. should probably use some form of modulo */ for(int i = 0; i < sizeof(leds) / sizeof(CRGB); i+=9) { memcpy(&leds[i], &leds[decodeLED({side, 0, 0})], sizeof(CRGB) * 9); } } void printError(CRGB color, CRGB* leds) { setColor({0, 255, 255}, (CRGB) color, leds); setColor({0, 0, 1}, (CRGB) 0, leds); setColor({0, 1, 0}, (CRGB) 0, leds); setColor({0, 1, 2}, (CRGB) 0, leds); setColor({0, 2, 1}, (CRGB) 0, leds); mirror(0, leds); } #endif