// A single pxiel moves in a random direction over and over again #include <FastLED.h> #include <borg.h> #define NUM_LEDS 54 #define DATA_PIN 4 #define BLUE (CRGB) 0x0000FF #define RED (CRGB) 0xFF0000 #define GREEN (CRGB) 0x00FF00 #define ORANGE (CRGB) 0xFF7000 #define WHITE (CRGB) 0xFFFFFF #define YELLOW (CRGB) 0xFFFF00 #define DICE_COLOR (CRGB) 0x00FF00 #define GPLEFT 8 #define GPUP 9 #define GPRIGHT 10 #define GPDOWN 11 #define GPA 13 #define GPB 12 CRGB leds[NUM_LEDS]; CRGB solution[NUM_LEDS]; byte METAROTTODIR[6]; byte CONTROLDIR[6][6]; void rubixRot(byte side, bool dir); void rubix_loop(); byte state = 0; bool initialize = true; void setup() { FastLED.addLeds<PL9823, DATA_PIN>(leds, NUM_LEDS); initMap(); pinMode(GPLEFT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GPRIGHT, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GPA, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(GPB, INPUT_PULLUP); METAROTTODIR[0]=CLOCKW; METAROTTODIR[1]=UP; METAROTTODIR[2]=ACLOCKW; METAROTTODIR[3]=DOWN; METAROTTODIR[4]=LEFT; METAROTTODIR[5]=RIGHT; CONTROLDIR[0][EAST] = 1; CONTROLDIR[0][WEST]= 4; CONTROLDIR[1][EAST] = 5; CONTROLDIR[1][WEST] = 0; CONTROLDIR[2][EAST] = 3; CONTROLDIR[2][WEST] = 5; CONTROLDIR[3][EAST] = 4; CONTROLDIR[3][WEST] = 2; CONTROLDIR[4][EAST] = 0; CONTROLDIR[4][WEST] = 3; CONTROLDIR[5][EAST] = 2; CONTROLDIR[5][WEST] = 1; Serial.begin(9600); } void loop() { bool statechange = digitalRead(GPLEFT) == LOW && digitalRead(GPRIGHT) == LOW && digitalRead(GPA) == LOW && digitalRead(GPB) == LOW; if (statechange) { initialize = true; state = ++state % 5; delay(500); } switch(state) { case 0: FastLED.clear(); FastLED.show(); break; case 1: rainbow_loop(); break; case 2: chaos_loop(); break; case 3: dice_loop(); break; case 4: rubix_loop(); break; } } void rainbow_loop() { static uint8_t hue = 0; FastLED.showColor(CHSV(hue++, 255, 255)); delay(10); } void chaos_loop() { int chaos_select = random(0, NUM_LEDS); leds[chaos_select] = (CRGB) random(1, 0x1000000); FastLED.show(); } unsigned long dice_updates = 150000; void dice_loop() { dice_updates--; if (dice_updates == 0) { roll(random(1,7), 0, leds); mirror(0, leds); FastLED.show(); dice_updates = 150000; } } byte rubix_blinking = 0; // SUPER UGLY HACK, NO GURANTEES THAT THIS WILL WORK ON ANYTHING AT ALL unsigned long rubix_updates = 15000; bool rubix_lightstate = true; void rubix_loop() { if (initialize == true) { initialize = false; randomSeed(analogRead(0)); FastLED.clear(); FastLED.show(); // Make the solution memory structure setColor({0, 255, 255}, ORANGE, solution); setColor({1, 255, 255}, BLUE, solution); setColor({2, 255, 255}, RED, solution); setColor({3, 255, 255}, GREEN, solution); setColor({4, 255, 255}, YELLOW, solution); setColor({5, 255, 255}, WHITE, solution); memcpy(leds, solution, sizeof(CRGB) * NUM_LEDS); FastLED.show(); delay(300); int quotient = 3; for(int i = 0; i < quotient; i++) { rubixRot(random(0, 6), 0); FastLED.show(); } } rubix_updates--; if (rubix_updates == 0) { Serial.write("blink\n"); (rubix_lightstate) ? setColor({rubix_blinking, 1, 1}, (CRGB) 0x00, leds) : setColor({rubix_blinking, 1, 1}, solution[decodeLED({rubix_blinking, 1, 1})], leds); rubix_lightstate = (rubix_lightstate) ? false : true; rubix_updates = 15000; FastLED.show(); } if (digitalRead(GPRIGHT) == LOW) { Serial.write("RIGHT\n"); setColor({rubix_blinking, 1, 1}, solution[decodeLED({rubix_blinking, 1, 1})], leds); rubix_lightstate = true; rubix_blinking = CONTROLDIR[rubix_blinking][EAST]; FastLED.show(); delay(300); } else if (digitalRead(GPLEFT) == LOW) { Serial.write("LEFT\n"); setColor({rubix_blinking, 1, 1}, solution[decodeLED({rubix_blinking, 1, 1})], leds); rubix_lightstate = true; rubix_blinking = CONTROLDIR[rubix_blinking][WEST]; FastLED.show(); delay(300); } else if (digitalRead(GPA) == LOW) { rubixRot(rubix_blinking, 0); FastLED.show(); delay(300); } else if (digitalRead(GPB) == LOW) { rubixRot(rubix_blinking, 1); FastLED.show(); delay(300); } if (memcmp(leds, solution, sizeof(CRGB) * NUM_LEDS) == 0) { FastLED.clear(); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(300); memcpy(leds, solution, sizeof(CRGB) * NUM_LEDS); FastLED.show(); FastLED.delay(300); } } void roll(byte n, byte side, CRGB* leds) { setColor({side, 255, 255}, (CRGB) 0, leds); switch (n) { case 1: setColor({side,1,1}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; case 2: setColor({side,2,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,0,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; case 3: setColor({side,2,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,1,1}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,0,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; case 4: setColor({side,0,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,2,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,0,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,2,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; case 5: setColor({side,0,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,2,0}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,1,1}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,0,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side,2,2}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; case 6: setColor({side, 0, 255}, DICE_COLOR, leds); setColor({side, 2, 255}, DICE_COLOR, leds); break; default: printError((CRGB) 0xFF0000, leds); break; } } void rubixRot(byte side, bool dir) { LEDSelect origin = {side, 0, 0}; getNeighborLED(&origin, NORTH, &origin); if(dir == 0){ new_rotaterot(origin, METAROTTODIR[side], 3 , leds); rotate(side, 0, 2, leds); } else{ for(byte i = 0; i < 3; i++){ rubixRot(side,0); } } }