import x2i from "./x2i"; const config = require("./config.json"); const MatrixClient = require("matrix-bot-sdk").MatrixClient; const AutojoinRoomsMixin = require("matrix-bot-sdk").AutojoinRoomsMixin; const client = new MatrixClient(config.homeserver, config.token); AutojoinRoomsMixin.setupOnClient(client); const myself = client.getUserId() client.on("room.message", handle); async function handle(roomId, event) { if (!event["content"]) return; console.log("Got message!"); if (event.unsigned.age > 1000 * 60) { console.log("Message was old!"); return; }; if (event.sender === await myself) { console.log("Wait a minute... That's me!"); return;}; if (event.content.body === "!xhelp") {help(roomId); return;}; if (event.content.body === "!xdebug") {debug(roomId); return;}; console.log("Trying to convert the message!"); var converted = x2i(event.content.body); if (converted === "") return; client.sendNotice(roomId, converted); }; function help(roomId) { var helpmessage = `Hi I can help you translate X-SAMPA, Z-SAMPA to IPA, and transcribe into proto-indo european notation! Use (x/z/p) together with either / or [] as delimeters x/hello/ z[or like this!] or p/waow/ 😀`; client.sendNotice(roomId, helpmessage); } async function debug(roomId) { var helpmessage = `Hi my name is ${await myself}, and I want to help you debug me!`; client.sendNotice(roomId, helpmessage); } client.start().then(() => console.log("Client started!"));