import * as fs from "fs"; import * as yaml from "js-yaml"; import * as OuterXRegExp from "xregexp"; interface IRawReplaceKey { raw: ReplaceKey; } interface INestedKey { delimiters: [string, string]; translations: Replacer[]; } type ReplaceKey = [string, string]; type Replacer = ReplaceKey | INestedKey | IRawReplaceKey; type CompiledReplacer = [ RegExp, string | ((m: { [key: string]: string }) => string), string ]; interface IMatchInstructions { keys: CompiledReplacer[]; join?(left: string, match: string, right: string): string; } const regex = OuterXRegExp( `(?:(^|[\`\\p{White_Space}])) # must be preceded by whitespace or surrounded by code brackets ([A-Za-z]*) # key, to lower (2) ([/[]) # bracket left (3) (\\S|\\S.*?\\S) # body (4) ([/\\]]) # bracket right (5) (?=$|[\`\\p{White_Space}\\pP]) # must be followed by a white space or punctuation`, "gmx"); const defaultMatchAction = (left: string, match: string, right: string) => left + match + right; const matchType: { [key: string]: IMatchInstructions } = { p: { join: (_, match) => `*${match}`, keys: readKeys("./x2i/apie-keys.yaml"), }, x: { keys: readKeys("./x2i/x2i-keys.yaml"), }, z: { keys: readKeys("./x2i/z2i-keys.yaml"), }, i: { keys: readKeys("./x2i/i-keys.yaml"), }, }; /** * Read translation keys from file. Escapes strings first. * * @param fpath File to key definitions. (yaml, utf8) * @returns Compiled keys. */ function readKeys(fpath: string) { return yaml .safeLoad(fs.readFileSync(fpath, "utf8")) .map(compileKey) .filter(Boolean) as CompiledReplacer[]; } /** * Compiles a plain object into a regexp thing. * * @param entry Regex and replacement pair, or delimited match object. */ function compileKey(entry: Replacer): CompiledReplacer | undefined { if (Array.isArray(entry)) { const [key, val] = entry; return [OuterXRegExp(OuterXRegExp.escape(key)), val, "all"]; } // don't escape key if ("raw" in entry) { const [key, val] = entry.raw; return [OuterXRegExp(key), val, "all"]; } // is a dict try { const { delimiters: [left, right], translations, } = entry; return [ OuterXRegExp(`${OuterXRegExp.escape(left)}(?.*?)${OuterXRegExp.escape(right)}`), m => OuterXRegExp.replaceEach( m.inside, as (RegExp | string)[][], ), "all"]; } catch (e) { console.log(`${entry} is not an array or a proper object, ignoring`); } } /** * Convert four-tuple of Strings into a specified "official" representation * * @param key What kind of conversion key is appropriate * @param left Left bracket * @param match Body * @param right Right bracket * @returns Converted item, if any. */ export function force(key: string, left: string, match: string, right: string) { const lowerKey = key.toLowerCase(); if (!(lowerKey in matchType)) return; const { keys, join } = matchType[lowerKey]; if (keys) { const action = join || defaultMatchAction; // need to use `as (RegExp | string)[][]` because the provided typings are too generic return action(left, OuterXRegExp.replaceEach(match, keys as (RegExp | string)[][]), right); } } /** * Grab all x2i strings in message string. * * @param content Full message that may or may not contain x2i strings * @returns Converted representations */ export default function x2i(content: string) { const results: string[] = []; OuterXRegExp.forEach(content, regex, match => { const parts = match.slice(2, 6); if (parts.length === 4) { const [k, l, m, r] = parts; const converted = force(k, l, m, r); // eg x, [, text, ] if (converted) { results.push(converted); } } }); return results.join(" "); }