use rand::prelude::*; use rand::distributions::WeightedIndex; use modular_bitfield::prelude::*; #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[bits = 3] #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq)] enum Tile2 { Blue, Yellow, Red, Black, Teal, Start, None } impl Tile2 { fn is_none(&self) -> bool { *self == Tile2::None } fn is_some(&self) -> bool { !self.is_none() } } #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] enum Player2 { One, Two } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Bag2 { blue: B5, yellow: B5, red: B5, black: B5, teal: B5, } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Factory2 { one: Tile2, two: Tile2, three: Tile2, four: Tile2 } impl Factory2 { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { && self.two().is_none() && self.three().is_none() && self.four().is_none() } fn is_full(&self) -> bool { && self.two().is_some() && self.three().is_some() && self.four().is_some() } fn add_to_first(&mut self, tile: Tile2) -> Result<(), Tile2> { if { self.set_one(tile); return Ok(()); } else if self.two().is_none() { self.set_two(tile); return Ok(()); } else if self.three().is_none() { self.set_three(tile); return Ok(()); } else if self.four().is_none() { self.set_four(tile); return Ok(()); } Err(tile) } } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Factories2 { one: Factory2, two: Factory2, three: Factory2, four: Factory2, five: Factory2, } impl Factories2 { fn is_empty(&self) -> bool { && self.two().is_empty() && self.three().is_empty() && self.four().is_empty() && self.five().is_empty() } fn add_to_firsts(&mut self, tile: Tile2) -> Result<(), Tile2>{ if ! {; return Ok(()) } else if !self.two().is_full() { self.two().add_to_first(tile); return Ok(()) } else if !self.three().is_full() { self.three().add_to_first(tile); return Ok(()) } else if !self.four().is_full() { self.four().add_to_first(tile); return Ok(()) } else if !self.five().is_full() { self.five().add_to_first(tile); return Ok(()) } Err(tile) } } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Row2 { one: bool, two: bool, three: bool, four: bool, five: bool } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Wall2 { one: Row2, two: Row2, three: Row2, four: Row2, five: Row2 } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Market2 { blue: B5, yellow: B5, red: B5, black: B5, teal: B5, start: bool } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Pattern2_1 (Tile2, B1); #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Pattern2_2 (Tile2, B2); #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Pattern2_3 (Tile2, B2); #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Pattern2_4 (Tile2, B3); #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Pattern2_5 (Tile2, B3); #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Patterns2 { one: Pattern2_1, two: Pattern2_2, three: Pattern2_3, four: Pattern2_4, five: Pattern2_5, } #[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] #[derive(Debug)] struct Board2 { score: B7, wall: Wall2, patterns: Patterns2, floor: Market2 } /*#[bitfield(filled = false)] #[derive(BitfieldSpecifier)] struct Boards2 { one: Board2, two: Board2 }*/ #[bitfield] #[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)] pub struct Game2 { player: Player2, box_top: Bag2, bag: Bag2, market: Market2, factories: Factories2, board_1: Board2, board_2: Board2, #[skip] unused: B7 } impl Game2 { pub fn create() -> Self { let game = Game2::new() .with_player(Player2::One) .with_box_top(Bag2::new() .with_blue(0) .with_yellow(0) .with_red(0) .with_black(0) .with_teal(0) ) .with_bag(Bag2::new() .with_blue(20) .with_yellow(20) .with_red(20) .with_black(20) .with_teal(20) ) .with_market(Market2::new() .with_start(true) .with_blue(0) .with_yellow(0) .with_red(0) .with_black(0) .with_teal(0) ) .with_factories(Factories2::new() .with_one(Factory2::new() .with_one(Tile2::None) .with_two(Tile2::None) .with_three(Tile2::None) .with_four(Tile2::None) ) .with_two(Factory2::new() .with_one(Tile2::None) .with_two(Tile2::None) .with_three(Tile2::None) .with_four(Tile2::None) ) .with_three(Factory2::new() .with_one(Tile2::None) .with_two(Tile2::None) .with_three(Tile2::None) .with_four(Tile2::None) ) .with_four(Factory2::new() .with_one(Tile2::None) .with_two(Tile2::None) .with_three(Tile2::None) .with_four(Tile2::None) ) .with_five(Factory2::new() .with_one(Tile2::None) .with_two(Tile2::None) .with_three(Tile2::None) .with_four(Tile2::None) ) ) .with_board_1(Board2::new() .with_score(0) .with_wall(Wall2::new() .with_one(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_two(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_three(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_four(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_five(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) ) .with_patterns(Patterns2::new() .with_one(Pattern2_1::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_two(Pattern2_2::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_three(Pattern2_3::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_four(Pattern2_4::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_five(Pattern2_5::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) ) .with_floor(Market2::new() .with_start(false) .with_blue(0) .with_yellow(0) .with_red(0) .with_black(0) .with_teal(0) ) ) .with_board_2(Board2::new() .with_score(0) .with_wall(Wall2::new() .with_one(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_two(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_three(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_four(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) .with_five(Row2::new() .with_one(false) .with_two(false) .with_three(false) .with_four(false) .with_five(false) ) ) .with_patterns(Patterns2::new() .with_one(Pattern2_1::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_two(Pattern2_2::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_three(Pattern2_3::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_four(Pattern2_4::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) .with_five(Pattern2_5::new() .with_0(Tile2::None) .with_1(0) ) ) .with_floor(Market2::new() .with_start(false) .with_blue(0) .with_yellow(0) .with_red(0) .with_black(0) .with_teal(0) ) ); game } pub fn fill(&mut self, mut rng: StdRng) -> Result<(), &'static str> { if !self.factories().is_empty() { return Err("Factories are not empty"); } for _ in 0..(4*5) { let choices = [Tile2::Blue, Tile2::Yellow, Tile2::Red, Tile2::Black, Tile2::Teal]; let weights = [self.bag().blue(), self.bag().yellow(), self.bag().red(), self.bag().black(), self.bag().teal()]; let dist = WeightedIndex::new(&weights).unwrap(); let tile = choices[dist.sample(&mut rng)]; /* match self.set_factories(self.factories().add_to_firsts(tile)) { Err(e) => return Err("Couldn't add tile to factory"), Ok(_) => { if tile == Tile2::Blue { self.set_bag(self.bag().with_blue(self.bag().blue() - 1)); } else if tile == Tile2::Yellow { self.set_bag(self.bag().with_yellow(self.bag().yellow() - 1)); } } }; */ println!("{:?}", tile); println!("{:#?}", self.bag()); //println!("{:#?}", self.factories()); } Ok(()) /* for factory in &mut self.factories { for _ in 0..4 { if self.bag.len() == 0 && self.box_top.len() > 0 { self.bag.append(&mut self.box_top); } else if self.bag.len() == 0 { return Ok(()) } else { let tile_i:usize = rng.gen_range(0..self.bag.len()); let tile = self.bag.remove(tile_i); factory.push(tile); } } }; */ } /*pub fn do_move(&mut self, game_move: GameMove) -> Result<(), &'static str> { match game_move { () => } }*/ } use std::time::{Instant, Duration}; pub fn size_of_bitfields() -> Result<(), &'static str> { //println!("size of bitfield game: {}", std::mem::size_of::()); let game2 = Game2::create(); //println!("debug: {:#?}", game2); //println!("{:?}", game2.into_bytes()); let now = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..1_000_000_000 { let mut game2_2 = game2.clone(); game2_2.set_player(Player2::Two); std::hint::black_box(game2_2); } let game_2_time = now.elapsed().as_nanos(); // let game1 = Game::new(2)?; let now = Instant::now(); for _ in 0..1_000_000_000 { // let mut game1_2 = game1.clone(); // game1_2.turn = 1; // std::hint::black_box(game1_2); } let game_1_time = now.elapsed().as_nanos(); println!("{} | {}", game_1_time, game_2_time); Ok(()) }