Merge branch 'MC-025' into 'master'
MC-025 Closes #25 See merge request dodsorfas/minecraft-datapacks!13
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"display": {
"icon": {
"item": "minecraft:armor_stand"
"title": {
"description": {
"frame": "task",
"show_toast": false,
"announce_to_chat": false,
"hidden": false
"parent": "as:root",
"criteria": {
"tick": {
"trigger": "minecraft:tick"
"requirements": [
"rewards": {
"function": "as:enable"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"criteria": {
"impossible": {
"trigger": "minecraft:impossible"
"requirements": [
@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Description: Display admin options in chat
# Called by: Player
# Entity @s: Player
tellraw @s [{"text":"Customizable Armor Stands - Admin Options","color":"yellow","bold":"true"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Particle shrine: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"Create","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/function as:shrine/create"}},{"text":" / ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"Remove","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/function as:shrine/remove"}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Get book from help: ","color":"aqua"},{"storage":"customizable_armor_stands:settings", "nbt":"as_admin.book_help", "color":"green", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"/function as:admin/book_from_help_toggle"}, "hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text", "value":{"text":"Click to toggle", "color":"yellow"}}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Craftable book: ","color":"aqua"},{"storage":"customizable_armor_stands:settings", "nbt":"as_admin.book_craft", "color":"green", "clickEvent":{"action":"run_command", "value":"/function as:admin/craft_book_toggle"}, "hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text", "value":{"text":"Click to toggle", "color":"yellow"}}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Delete unused invisible stands","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":[{"text":"Deletes any invisible armor stands in loaded chunks that are not holding or wearing any items.","color":"yellow"}]},"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/function as:admin/unused"}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Highlight all stands","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":[{"text":"Gives all stands within 64 blocks the glowing effect for 15 seconds","color":"yellow"}]},"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/effect give @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..64] minecraft:glowing 15 1 true"}}]
#tellraw @s [{"text":"Reduce local server load","color":"green","hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":[{"text":"Sets the Marker tag on all locked armor stands within 128 blocks. This reduces the load on the server from ticking the entities but makes the stands unaffected by entity updates such as being pushed by pistons. The Marker tag can be reset for individual stands by unlocking them.","color":"yellow"}]},"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/function as:admin/marker"}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"--------------------------","color":"yellow","bold":"true"}]
# The "Reduce local server load" option has the unfortunate side effect of moving the stands' eye line to their base.
# If this puts it inside a block, the items held and worn by the stand turn black.
# Commented out for the time being whilst options are investigated.
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Disable option to get the book directly from the help menu
# Called by: as:admin via chat link
# Entity @s: player
execute store success score #as_success as_help run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_help set value "Disabled"
execute unless score #as_success as_help matches 1 run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_help set value "Enabled"
tellraw @s [{"text":"Getting the book from the help menu has been ","color":"aqua"},{"storage":"customizable_armor_stands:settings", "nbt":"as_admin.book_help"}]
function as:admin
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Enable option to get the book by crafting
# Called by: as:admin via chat link
# Entity @s: player
execute store success score #as_success as_help run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_craft set value "Disabled"
execute unless score #as_success as_help matches 1 run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_craft set value "Enabled"
tellraw @s [{"text":"Getting the book via crafting has been ","color":"aqua"},{"storage":"customizable_armor_stands:settings", "nbt":"as_admin.book_craft"}]
function as:admin
@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
# This function is currently not used - see as:admin for details
# Description: Sets the Marker tag on all locked armor stands within 128 blocks
# Called by: as:admin via chat clickEvent
# Entity @s: Player
# Note: DisabledSlots tag is checked to exclude armor stands in tool racks
# Store number of affected stands for reporting
execute store result score @s as_pose run execute if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..128,tag=as_locked,nbt=!{Marker:1b},nbt=!{DisabledSlots:4079166}]
# Set Marker tag on affected stands
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..128,tag=as_locked,nbt=!{Marker:1b},nbt=!{DisabledSlots:4079166}] run data merge entity @s {Marker:1b}
# Report number affected
tellraw @p [{"text":"Marker set on ","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"as_pose"},"color":"aqua"},{"text":" armor stands","color":"aqua"}]
scoreboard players reset @s as_pose
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Description: Removes all unused armor stands in loaded chunks
# Called by: as:admin via chat clickEvent
# Entity @s: Player
# Note: "Unused" stands are invisible, are not holding or wearing items, and are not part of a tool rack
# Store number of affected stands for reporting
execute store result score @s as_pose run execute if entity @e[type=armor_stand,nbt={Invisible:1b},nbt=!{HandItems:[{Count:1b}]},nbt=!{ArmorItems:[{Count:1b}]},nbt=!{DisabledSlots:4079166},nbt=!{Invulnerable:1b},nbt=!{Marker:1b}]
# Kill affected stands
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,nbt={Invisible:1b},nbt=!{HandItems:[{Count:1b}]},nbt=!{ArmorItems:[{Count:1b}]},nbt=!{DisabledSlots:4079166},nbt=!{Invulnerable:1b},nbt=!{Marker:1b}] run kill @s
# Report number affected
tellraw @p [{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"as_pose"},"color":"aqua"},{"text":" unused armor stands deleted","color":"aqua"}]
scoreboard players reset @s as_pose
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Description: This is a temporary (?) workaround for bug MC-80975
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor_stand
# Pose data is not stored for parts of the armor stand that are in the "default" positions. This causes the execute store entity
# and data get entity commands to fail.
# This function checks for the presence of each parts' pose data and updates it with tweaked default values if not present
execute unless data entity @s Pose.Head run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f]}}
execute unless data entity @s Pose.Body run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f]}}
execute unless data entity @s Pose.LeftArm run data merge entity @s {Pose:{LeftArm:[-10.0f,0.001f,-10.0f]}}
execute unless data entity @s Pose.RightArm run data merge entity @s {Pose:{RightArm:[-15.0f,0.001f,10.0f]}}
execute unless data entity @s Pose.LeftLeg run data merge entity @s {Pose:{LeftLeg:[-1.0f,0.001f,-1.0f]}}
execute unless data entity @s Pose.RightLeg run data merge entity @s {Pose:{RightLeg:[1.0f,0.001f,1.0f]}}
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
# Description: Enable system for the player and issue control book
# Called by: command block
# Entity @s: player
# Trigger values in use are: 1-12 Style settings
# 20-39 Pose presets
# 40-51 Nudge position
# 52-57 Adjust rotation
# 60-95 Pose adjustment
# 101-112 Nudge position
# 120-123 Angle step
# 124-125 Face towards or away
# 131-135 Pose mirror and flip
# 141-142 Pose presets
# 151-155 Auto alignment
# 161-162 Exchange Slots
# 999 Check target
# 1000-1003 Lock and seal
# 1004-1005 Copy and paste
# 1100-1129 Nuge position relative
# 1150 Random pose
# 1160-1171 Pointing
# Set trigger score for player to zero and enable
scoreboard players set @s as_trigger 0
scoreboard players enable @s as_trigger
scoreboard players set @s as_help 0
scoreboard players enable @s as_help
# Set angle step for rotation and pose adjustment to default 15 degrees
scoreboard players set @s as_angle 15
@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
# Description: Issue control book
# Called by: command block
# Entity @s: player
# Trigger values in use are: 1-12 Style settings
# 20-39 Pose presets
# 40-51 Nudge position
# 52-57 Adjust rotation
# 60-95 Pose adjustment
# 101-112 Nudge position
# 120-123 Angle step
# 124-125 Face towards or away
# 131-135 Pose mirror and flip
# 141-142 Pose presets
# 151-155 Auto alignment
# 161-162 Exchange Slots
# 999 Check target
# 1000-1003 Lock and seal
# 1004-1005 Copy and paste
# Give control book
loot give @s loot as:book
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Description: Display help in chat
# Called by: as:tick
# Entity @s: player
execute if score @s as_help matches 2 if data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin{book_help:"Enabled"} run function as:help/get_book
execute if score @s as_help matches 3 run function as:help/chat_actionbar_toggle
execute if score @s as_help matches 4 run function as:help/credits
execute if score @s as_help matches 1..3 unless score @s as_help matches 2 run function as:help/main
# Reset trigger score
scoreboard players set @s as_help 0
scoreboard players enable @s as_help
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Send notifications to chat
# Called by: as:help
# Entity @s: Player
execute store success score #as_success as_help run tag @s add as_chat
execute unless score #as_success as_help matches 1 run tag @s remove as_chat
execute if entity @s[tag=as_chat] run tellraw @s [{"text":"Notifications will be directed to chat","color":"aqua"}]
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_chat] run tellraw @s [{"text":"Notifications will be directed to the action bar","color":"aqua"}]
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Display credits in chat
# Called by: as:help
# Entity @s: Player
tellraw @s [{"text":"Customizable Armor Stands - Credits","color":"yellow","bold":"true"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Coding and original concept: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"Phssthpok","color":"green","bold":"true"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Vanilla Tweaks integration: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"MSpaceDev","color":"green","bold":"true"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Additional ideas and improvements: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"MukiTanuki","color":"green","bold":"true"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"\nThanks to many other people for help with testing and suggestions -Phssthpok","color":"aqua"}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"--------------------------","color":"yellow","bold":"true"}]
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Description: Get book via chat link
# Called by: as:help
# Entity @s: Player
function as:give
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Description: Display main help options
# Called by: as:help
# Entity @s: Player
tellraw @s [{"text":"Customizable Armor Stands - Help","color":"yellow","bold":"true"},{"text":"\nGet the book by:","color":"aqua","bold":"false"}]
execute if data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin{book_help:"Enabled"} run tellraw @s [{"text":" - Clicking ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"here","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/trigger as_help set 2"}}]
execute if score #as_shrine_x as_help matches ..0 run tellraw @s [{"text":" - Going to the shrine at ","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"#as_shrine_x","objective":"as_help"},"color":"aqua"},{"text":",","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"#as_shrine_z","objective":"as_help"},"color":"aqua"}]
execute if score #as_shrine_x as_help matches 1.. run tellraw @s [{"text":" - Going to the shrine at ","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"#as_shrine_x","objective":"as_help"},"color":"aqua"},{"text":",","color":"aqua"},{"score":{"name":"#as_shrine_z","objective":"as_help"},"color":"aqua"}]
execute if data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin{book_craft:"Enabled"} run tellraw @s [{"text":" - Crafting a written book titled \"Statues\"","color":"aqua"}]
execute if entity @s[tag=as_chat] run tellraw @s [{"text":"Send notifications to: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"Chat","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/trigger as_help set 3"}, "hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text", "value":{"text":"Click to toggle between Chat and Actionbar", "color":"yellow"}}}]
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_chat] run tellraw @s [{"text":"Send notifications to: ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"Actionbar","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/trigger as_help set 3"}, "hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text", "value":{"text":"Click to toggle between Chat and Actionbar", "color":"yellow"}}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"Credits","color":"green","clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/trigger as_help set 4"}}]
tellraw @s [{"text":"--------------------------","color":"yellow","bold":"true"}]
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Description: Create scoreboards
# Called by: #main:init
# Entity @s: None
# Create scoreboards
scoreboard objectives add as_trigger trigger
scoreboard objectives add as_pose dummy
scoreboard objectives add as_angle dummy
scoreboard objectives add as_help trigger
# Resets triggers on reload
scoreboard players enable * as_trigger
scoreboard players enable * as_help
# Variables
scoreboard players set #var15000 as_angle 15000
scoreboard players set #var45000 as_angle 45000
scoreboard players set #var30000 as_angle 30000
scoreboard players set #var60000 as_angle 60000
scoreboard players set #var90000 as_angle 90000
scoreboard players set #var180000 as_angle 180000
scoreboard players set #var360000 as_angle 360000
scoreboard players set #var-1 as_angle -1
# Sets storage settings
execute unless data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_craft run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_craft set value "Disabled"
execute unless data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_help run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin.book_help set value "Disabled"
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Description: Locks armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger/lock
# Entity @s: armor stand
execute as @p[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] run title @s actionbar {"text":"Armor stand locked","color":"dark_green"}
execute as @p[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] run tellraw @s {"text":"<Stick_God> Armor stand locked","color":"dark_green"}
effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1
data merge entity @s {DisabledSlots:4144959}
tag @s add as_locked
@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
# Description: Unocks locked armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger/lock
# Entity @s: nearest locked armor stand
execute as @p[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] run title @s actionbar {"text":"Armor stand unlocked","color":"dark_green"}
execute as @p[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] run tellraw @s {"text":"<Stick_God> Armor stand unlocked","color":"dark_green"}
effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1
data merge entity @s {DisabledSlots:0}
tag @s remove as_locked
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result score #x_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"body_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #y_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"body_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #z_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"body_z" }].Amount 1000
function as:randomizer/body_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Body[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #x_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Body[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #y_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Body[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #z_angle as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Description: adjusts probability
# Called by: as:randomizer/body
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_10 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 if predicate as:random_chance_30 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 2
# negative modulo
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
# small angle #random_type=0
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var15000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var15000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var15000 as_angle
# med angle #random_type=1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
# extreme angle #random_type=2 (no modulo)
# reversed negative
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result score #x_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"head_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #y_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"head_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #z_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"head_z" }].Amount 1000
function as:randomizer/head_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Head[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #x_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Head[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #y_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.Head[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #z_angle as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
# Description: adjusts probability
# Called by: as:randomizer/head
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_20 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 if predicate as:random_chance_40 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 2
# negative modulo
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
# small angle #random_type=0
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var30000 as_angle
# med angle #random_type=1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var60000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var60000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var60000 as_angle
# extreme angle #random_type=2 (no modulo)
# reversed negative
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftArm[0] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_arm_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftArm[1] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_arm_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftArm[2] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_arm_z" }].Amount 1000
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result score #x_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_leg_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #y_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_leg_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #z_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"left_leg_z" }].Amount 1000
function as:randomizer/left_leg_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #x_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #y_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.LeftLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #z_angle as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Description: adjusts probability
# Called by: as:randomizer/left_leg
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_30 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 if predicate as:random_chance_50 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 2
# crossing reduction
scoreboard players set #no_crossing as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_85 run scoreboard players set #no_crossing as_angle 1
#execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches 10000..170000 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle -= #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches 10000..170000 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle -= #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches 10000..170000 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle -= #var180000 as_angle
# negative modulo
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
# small angle #random_type=0
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
# med angle #random_type=1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
# extreme angle #random_type=2 (no modulo)
# reversed negative
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightArm[0] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_arm_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightArm[1] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_arm_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightArm[2] float 0.001 run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_arm_z" }].Amount 1000
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Description: Randomizes appendage rotation
# Called by: as:trigger/random_pose
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
execute store result score #x_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_leg_x" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #y_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_leg_y" }].Amount 1000
execute store result score #z_angle as_angle run data get entity @s ArmorItems[3].tag.AttributeModifiers[{ "Name":"right_leg_z" }].Amount 1000
function as:randomizer/right_leg_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #x_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #y_angle as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose.RightLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #z_angle as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Description: adjusts probability
# Called by: as:randomizer/right_leg
# Entity @s: temp armor stand
scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 0
scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_30 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 if predicate as:random_chance_50 run scoreboard players set #random_type as_angle 2
# crossing reduction
scoreboard players set #no_crossing as_angle 0
execute if predicate as:random_chance_85 run scoreboard players set #no_crossing as_angle 1
#execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches -170000..-10000 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches -170000..-10000 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #no_crossing as_angle matches 1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches -170000..-10000 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
# negative modulo
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #x_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #x_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #y_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #y_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0..1 if score #z_angle as_angle matches ..-1 run scoreboard players set #z_negative as_angle 1
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
# small angle #random_type=0
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 0 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var45000 as_angle
# med angle #random_type=1
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
execute if score #random_type as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle %= #var90000 as_angle
# extreme angle #random_type=2 (no modulo)
# reversed negative
execute if score #x_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #x_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #y_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #y_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #z_negative as_angle matches 1 run scoreboard players operation #z_angle as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
# Description: Nudge postion of armor stand relative to player and aligned to the world grid
# Called by: as:trigger/position_relative
# Entity @s: armor stand
# X/Left/Right
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100}] run tp @s ^-0.5 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1101}] run tp @s ^-0.1875 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1102}] run tp @s ^-0.0625 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1103}] run tp @s ^0.0625 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1104}] run tp @s ^0.1875 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1105}] run tp @s ^0.5 ^ ^
# Z/Forward/backward
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1106}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.5
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1107}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.1875
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1108}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.0625
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1109}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.0625
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1110}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.1875
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1111}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.5
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Description: Nudge postion of armor stand relative to player
# Called by: as:trigger/position_relative
# Entity @s: armor stand
# X/Left/Right
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1112}] run tp @s ^-0.5 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1113}] run tp @s ^-0.1875 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1114}] run tp @s ^-0.0625 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1115}] run tp @s ^0.0625 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1116}] run tp @s ^0.1875 ^ ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1117}] run tp @s ^0.5 ^ ^
# Y/Up/Down
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1118}] run tp @s ^ ^-0.5 ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1119}] run tp @s ^ ^-0.1875 ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1120}] run tp @s ^ ^-0.0625 ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1121}] run tp @s ^ ^0.0625 ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1122}] run tp @s ^ ^0.1875 ^
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1123}] run tp @s ^ ^0.5 ^
# Z/Forward/backward
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1124}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.5
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1125}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.1875
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1126}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^-0.0625
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1127}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.0625
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1128}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.1875
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1129}] run tp @s ^ ^ ^0.5
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Description: Replace titled book with proper command book
# Called by: as:tick
# Entity @s: Player
# Replaces the written book from the players mainhand
loot replace entity @s weapon.mainhand loot as:book
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Seals armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger/lock
# Entity @s: player - mod
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_chat] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run title @s actionbar {"text":"Armor stand sealed","color":"dark_green"}
execute if entity @s[tag=as_chat] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tellraw @s {"text":"<Stick_God> Armor stand sealed","color":"dark_green"}
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run data merge entity @s {Invulnerable:1b,DisabledSlots:4144959}
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tag @s add as_locked
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tag @s add as_sealed
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Unseals sealed armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger/lock
# Entity @s: player - mod
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_chat] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run title @s actionbar {"text":"Armor stand unsealed","color":"dark_green"}
execute if entity @s[tag=as_chat] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tellraw @p {"text":"<Stick_God> Armor stand unsealed","color":"dark_green"}
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run data merge entity @s {Invulnerable:0b,DisabledSlots:0}
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tag @s remove as_locked
execute as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run tag @s remove as_sealed
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Description: Check for players with trigger score set
# Called by: #minecraft:tick
# Entity @s: none
execute as @a[scores={as_trigger=1..}] at @s run function as:trigger
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Description: Summon marker area effect cloud for shrine
# Called by: player
# Entity @s: player
# Summon AEC
execute align xyz run summon area_effect_cloud ~0.5 ~ ~0.5 {Duration:2147000000,Radius:0.0,Tags:["as_shrine"],Particle:"minecraft:underwater"}
# Store coordinates of shrine
execute store result score #as_shrine_x as_help run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud,tag=as_shrine,distance=..3,limit=1] Pos[0] 1
execute store result score #as_shrine_z as_help run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:area_effect_cloud,tag=as_shrine,distance=..3,limit=1] Pos[2] 1
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Description: Display shrine particles and give book
# Called by: as:tick
# Entity @s: Shrine marker area effect cloud
# Particle at shrine position
particle minecraft:enchant ~ ~ ~ 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.25 5
# Give book to nearby players if they do not have it already
execute as @a[distance=..1.5,nbt=!{Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:written_book",tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}]}] at @s run function as:give
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
# Description: Remove marker area effect cloud
# Called by: player
# Entity @s: player
# If shrine AEC is within range, reset shrine coordinates
execute if entity @e[type=area_effect_cloud,tag=as_shrine,distance=..3] run scoreboard players reset #as_shrine_x as_help
execute if entity @e[type=area_effect_cloud,tag=as_shrine,distance=..3] run scoreboard players reset #as_shrine_z as_help
# Remove AEC
kill @e[type=area_effect_cloud,tag=as_shrine,distance=..3,sort=nearest,limit=1]
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Description: Copies player book from mainhand or offhand into storage
# Called by: as_statue:trigger\copy as_statue:trigger\paste
# Entity @s: player
# Temp storage to copy
execute if entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem set from entity @s SelectedItem
execute if entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:written_book", Slot:-106b, tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2" }}]}] unless entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] run data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem set from entity @s Inventory[{Slot:-106b}]
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Description: Copies stored book from storage into mainhand or offhand
# Called by: as_statue:trigger\copy
# Entity @s: player
# Copies data to a temp pig
summon minecraft:pig ~ 0 ~ {DeathLootTable:"as:replace", Invulnerable:1b, NoGravity:1b, Silent:1b, ActiveEffects:[{Id:14,Amplifier:0,Duration:2147483647}], NoAI:1b, PersistenceRequired:1b, Tags:["as_temp"], HandItems:[{id:"minecraft:stone_button", Count:1b, tag:{ Enchantments:[{ lvl:1s, id:"minecraft:looting"} ]}},{}] }
data modify entity @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] HandItems[1] set from storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem
# Copies count to looting for book count
execute store result entity @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] HandItems[0].tag.Enchantments[0].lvl short 1 run data get storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.Count
execute if entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] as @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, limit=1,sort=nearest] run loot replace entity @p[tag=as_selected] weapon.mainhand kill @s
execute if entity @s[nbt={Inventory:[{id:"minecraft:written_book", Slot:-106b, tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}]}] unless entity @s[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book", tag:{datapack:"ArmourStatuesV2"}}}] as @e[tag=as_temp, type=minecraft:pig, sort=nearest, limit=1] run loot replace entity @p[tag=as_selected] weapon.offhand kill @s
# Kills temp pig
tp @e[type=minecraft:pig, tag=as_temp] ~ -300 ~
kill @e[type=minecraft:pig, tag=as_temp]
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Description: Processing every tick
# Called by: #main:tick
# Entity @s: None
# Check for players at the particle shrine
execute as @e[tag=as_shrine] at @s run function as:shrine/main
# If book crafting is enabled, check for players holding a written book titled "Statues"
execute if data storage customizable_armor_stands:settings as_admin{book_craft:"Enabled"} as @a[nbt={SelectedItem:{id:"minecraft:written_book",tag:{title:"Statues"}}}] run function as:replace_book
# Display help in chat and enable for all players
execute as @a[scores={as_help=1..}] at @s run function as:help
@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
# Description: Apply changes to nearest armor stand according to the player's as_trigger score
# Called by: as:second
# Entity @s: player
# Tag the player and the nearest armor stand within three blocks
tag @s add as_selected
tag @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_locked,sort=nearest,limit=1,nbt=!{Marker:1b},nbt=!{Invulnerable:1b}] add as_selected
# Copy the trigger score to the selected armor stand
scoreboard players operation @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] as_trigger = @s as_trigger
# Give glowing effect for three seconds if checking target
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=999}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run effect give @s minecraft:glowing 3
# armor stand settings
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1..12}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/settings
# Nudge position
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=40..51}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/position
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=101..112}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/position
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1100..1129}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] at @s run function as:trigger/position_relative
# Adjust rotation
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=52..57}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/rotation
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=124..125}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] at @s run function as:trigger/facing
# Pointing
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1160..1171}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected,nbt={Small:0b}] at @s run function as:trigger/pointing
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1160..1171}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected,nbt={Small:1b}] at @s run function as:trigger/pointing_small
# Change angle step size
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=120}] run scoreboard players set @s as_angle 45
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=121}] run scoreboard players set @s as_angle 15
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=122}] run scoreboard players set @s as_angle 5
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=123}] run scoreboard players set @s as_angle 1
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=120..123},tag=!as_chat] run title @s actionbar [{"text":"Angle step set to ","color":"dark_green"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"as_angle"},"color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\u00b0","color":"dark_green"}]
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=120..123},tag=as_chat] run tellraw @s [{"text":"<Stick_God> Angle step set to ","color":"dark_green"},{"score":{"name":"@s","objective":"as_angle"},"color":"dark_green"},{"text":"\u00b0","color":"dark_green"}]
# Pose presets
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=20..39}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/presets
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=141..142}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/presets
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1150}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] at @s run function as:trigger/random_pose
# Adjust pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=60..95}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/adjust
# Mirror and flip
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131..134}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/mirror
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=135}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/flip
# Auto alignment
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=151..154}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/align
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=155..156}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/rack
# Exchange slots
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=161..162}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/slots
# Copy and paste
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1004},predicate=as:book] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/copy
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1005},predicate=as:savedpose] unless entity @s[predicate=as:bothhands, predicate=!as:savedpose_mainhand] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:trigger/paste
# Lock and seal
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1000..1003}] run function as:trigger/lock
# Reset armor stand's trigger score and remove selected tag from player and armor stand
scoreboard players reset @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] as_trigger
tag @s remove as_selected
tag @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] remove as_selected
# Reset player's trigger score and re-enable
scoreboard players set @s as_trigger 0
scoreboard players enable @s as_trigger
@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# Description: Adjust armor stand pose
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Apply bugfix for MC-80975
function as:bugfix
# Get angle step from player and scale by 1000
scoreboard players operation @s as_angle = @p as_angle
scoreboard players set #as_temp as_angle 1000
scoreboard players operation @s as_angle *= #as_temp as_angle
scoreboard players reset #as_temp as_angle
# Head: 60-65
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=60..61}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Head[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=60}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=61}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=60..61}] store result entity @s Pose.Head[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=62..63}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Head[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=62}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=63}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=62..63}] store result entity @s Pose.Head[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=64..65}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Head[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=64}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=65}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=64..65}] store result entity @s Pose.Head[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Body: 66-71
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=66..67}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Body[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=66}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=67}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=66..67}] store result entity @s Pose.Body[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=68..69}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Body[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=68}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=69}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=68..69}] store result entity @s Pose.Body[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=70..71}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Body[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=70}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=71}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=70..71}] store result entity @s Pose.Body[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Right Arm: 72-77
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=72..73}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=72}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=73}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=72..73}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=74..75}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=74}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=75}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=74..75}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=76..77}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=76}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=77}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=76..77}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Left Arm: 78-83
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=78..79}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=78}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=79}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=78..79}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=80..81}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=80}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=81}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=80..81}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=82..83}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=82}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=83}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=82..83}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Right Leg: 84-89
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=84..85}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=84}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=85}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=84..85}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=86..87}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=86}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=87}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=86..87}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=88..89}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=88}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=89}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=88..89}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Left Leg: 90-95
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=90..91}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=90}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=91}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=90..91}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=92..93}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=92}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=93}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=92..93}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=94..95}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=94}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=95}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @s as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=94..95}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Description: Align held block or item with supporting surface
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Align block to surface
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=151}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-15.0f,135.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=151}] at @s run tp @s ^0.5725 ^-0.655 ^0.352
# Align item to surface (upright)
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=152}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-90.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=152}] at @s run tp @s ^0.36 ^-1.41 ^-0.5625
# Align item to surface (flat)
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=153}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=153}] at @s run tp @s ^0.385 ^-0.78 ^-0.295
# Align tool to surface (flat)
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=154}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b,NoGravity:1b,Invisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-10.0f,0.0f,-90.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=154}] at @s run tp @s ^-0.17 ^-1.285 ^-0.44
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Description: Copies selected armor stand settings and pose to the book
# Called by: as_statue:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
execute as @p[tag=as_selected] run function as:storage_in
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose set value {Pose:{}, NoBasePlate:0b, ShowArms:0b, Small:0b, Invisible:0b, CustomNameVisible:0b}
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.Pose set from entity @s Pose
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.NoBasePlate set from entity @s NoBasePlate
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.ShowArms set from entity @s ShowArms
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.Small set from entity @s Small
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.Invisible set from entity @s Invisible
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.CustomNameVisible set from entity @s CustomNameVisible
execute as @p[tag=as_selected] run function as:storage_out
title @a[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] actionbar {"text":"Pose and settings copied to the book","color":"dark_green"}
tellraw @a[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] {"text":"<Stick_God> Pose and settings copied to the book","color":"dark_green"}
effect give @s minecraft:glowing 1
@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Description: Adjust rotation of armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Note: The function is being executed at the location of the armor stand so @p is not necessarily the original player
# Rotate the armor stand to face the selected player
tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @a[distance=..3,tag=as_selected,limit=1]
# If stand is required to face away from the player, add 180 to the rotation
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=125}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 1
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=125}] run scoreboard players add @s as_pose 180
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=125}] store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 1 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
# Description: Flip armor stand's pose left to right
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Apply bugfix for MC-80975
function as:bugfix
# Arms
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] 1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] 1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] -1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] -1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
# Legs
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] 1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] 1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] -1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
execute store result score #as_temp as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] -1000
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #as_temp as_pose
# Head
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Head[1] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.Head[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Head[2] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.Head[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Body
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Body[1] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.Body[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.Body[2] -1000
execute store result entity @s Pose.Body[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Clear temporary dummy player
scoreboard players reset #as_temp as_pose
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Description: Apply or remove as_sealed and/or as_locked tags
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: Player
# Locking prevents the book from being used to modify the stand and disables the equipment slots to prevent accidental interaction
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1000}] as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_selected] run function as:locking/lock
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1001}] as @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_locked,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1,nbt=!{Marker:1b},nbt=!{Invulnerable:1b}] run function as:locking/unlock
# Sealing can only be used in creative mode and makes the armor stand invulnerable as well as locking it
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1002},gamemode=creative] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=!as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run function as:sealing/seal
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1003},gamemode=creative] if entity @e[type=armor_stand,distance=..3,tag=as_sealed,sort=nearest,limit=1] run function as:sealing/seal
@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
# Description: Mirror armor stand's arms or legs
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Apply bugfix for MC-80975
function as:bugfix
# Mirror arms left to right
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=131}] store result entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Mirror arms right to left
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[1] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightArm[2] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=132}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftArm[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Mirror legs left to right
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=133}] store result entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Mirror legs right to left
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[0] 1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[1] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Pose.RightLeg[2] -1000
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=134}] store result entity @s Pose.LeftLeg[2] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# Description: Paste armor stand settings and pose from book
# Called by: as_statue:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
execute as @p[tag=as_selected] run function as:storage_in
data modify entity @s {} merge from storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose
data modify entity @s Pose set from storage customizable_armor_stands:book_storage SavedItem.tag.SavedPose.Pose
title @a[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] actionbar {"text":"Settings and pose pasted from the book","color":"dark_green"}
tellraw @a[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] {"text":"<Stick_God> Settings and pose pasted from the book","color":"dark_green"}
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Description: Points an appendage at the player
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Summons temp armor stand
# Head
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Body
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1161 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1167 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Right Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1162 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.34375 ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1168 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.34375 ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Left Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1163 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.34375 ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1169 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.34375 ^-0.1875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Right Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1164 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.125 ^-0.875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1170 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.125 ^-0.875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Left Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1165 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.125 ^-0.875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1171 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.125 ^-0.875 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160..1165 as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] at @s positioned ~ ~1.625 ~ run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p[tag=as_selected] eyes
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166..1171 as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] at @s positioned ~ ~1.625 ~ run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p[tag=as_selected] feet
execute store result score #temp_as_x as_angle run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] Rotation[0] 1000
execute store result score #temp_as_z as_angle run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] Rotation[1] 1000
execute store result score #selected_as_x as_angle run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 1000
execute store result score #selected_as_z as_angle run data get entity @s Rotation[1] 1000
scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #selected_as_x as_angle
# Appendage offset
scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle -= #var90000 as_angle
# Head rotation offset
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 180000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #var360000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-180000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle += #var360000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 90000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-90000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 90000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-90000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
#scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
#scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage set value [0f,0f,0f]
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #temp_as_x as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #temp_as_z as_angle
# Head
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 run data modify entity @s Pose.Head set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 run data modify entity @s Pose.Head set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Body
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1161 run data modify entity @s Pose.Body set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1167 run data modify entity @s Pose.Body set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Right Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1162 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1168 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Left Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1163 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1169 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Right Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1164 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1170 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Left Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1165 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1171 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Kills temp armor stand
kill @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand]
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Description: Points an appendage at the player for small armor stands
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Summons temp armor stand
# Head
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Body
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1161 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.25 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1167 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^ ^-0.25 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Right Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1162 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.171875 ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1168 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.171875 ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Left Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1163 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.171875 ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1169 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.171875 ^-0.28125 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Right Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1164 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.0625 ^-0.625 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1170 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^-0.0625 ^-0.625 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
# Left Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1165 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.0625 ^-0.625 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1171 rotated ~ 0 run summon minecraft:armor_stand ^0.0625 ^-0.625 ^ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160..1165 as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] at @s positioned ~ ~1 ~ run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p[tag=as_selected] eyes
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166..1171 as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] at @s positioned ~ ~1 ~ run tp @s ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p[tag=as_selected] feet
execute store result score #temp_as_x as_angle run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] Rotation[0] 1000
execute store result score #temp_as_z as_angle run data get entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] Rotation[1] 1000
execute store result score #selected_as_x as_angle run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 1000
execute store result score #selected_as_z as_angle run data get entity @s Rotation[1] 1000
scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #selected_as_x as_angle
# Appendage offset
scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle -= #var90000 as_angle
# Head rotation offset
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 180000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #var360000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-180000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle += #var360000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 90000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-90000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches 90000.. run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle -= #var180000 as_angle
execute if score #temp_as_x as_angle matches ..-90000 run scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle += #var180000 as_angle
#scoreboard players operation #temp_as_x as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
#scoreboard players operation #temp_as_z as_angle *= #var-1 as_angle
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage set value [0f,0f,0f]
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage[1] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #temp_as_x as_angle
execute store result storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage[0] float 0.001 run scoreboard players get #temp_as_z as_angle
# Head
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1160 run data modify entity @s Pose.Head set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1166 run data modify entity @s Pose.Head set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Body
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1161 run data modify entity @s Pose.Body set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1167 run data modify entity @s Pose.Body set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Right Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1162 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1168 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Left Arm
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1163 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1169 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftArm set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Right Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1164 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1170 run data modify entity @s Pose.RightLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Left Leg
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1165 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
execute if score @s as_trigger matches 1171 run data modify entity @s Pose.LeftLeg set from storage customizable_armor_stands:appendage appendage
# Kills temp armor stand
kill @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand]
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# Description: Nudge postion of armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Trigger values 41, 42, 45, 46, 49 and 50 are redundant and kept for backwards compatibility
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=40}] at @s run tp @s ~-0.5 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=101}] at @s run tp @s ~-0.1875 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=41}] at @s run tp @s ~-0.1 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=102}] at @s run tp @s ~-0.0625 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=103}] at @s run tp @s ~0.0625 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=42}] at @s run tp @s ~0.1 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=104}] at @s run tp @s ~0.1875 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=43}] at @s run tp @s ~0.5 ~ ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=44}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~-0.5 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=105}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~-0.1875 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=45}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~-0.1 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=106}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~-0.0625 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=107}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~0.0625 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=46}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~0.1 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=108}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~0.1875 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=47}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~0.5 ~
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=48}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-0.5
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=109}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-0.1875
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=49}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-0.1
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=110}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~-0.0625
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=111}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~0.0625
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=50}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~0.1
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=112}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~0.1875
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=51}] at @s run tp @s ~ ~ ~0.5
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
# Description: Nudge postion of armor stand relative to the player
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Summons temp armor stand
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
tp @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] ~ ~ ~ facing entity @p[tag=as_selected]
# stores temp armor stand angle
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] store result score #temp_rotation as_pose run data get entity @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand,limit=1] Rotation[0]
# Facing south
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches -45..45 rotated 0 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches 316..360 rotated 0 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches -360..-316 rotated 0 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
# Facing West
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches 46..135 rotated 90 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches -315..-226 rotated 90 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
# Facing North
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches 136..225 rotated 180 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches -225..-136 rotated 180 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
# Facing East
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches 226..315 rotated 270 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1100..1111}] if score #temp_rotation as_pose matches -135..-46 rotated 270 0 run function as:relative_position_aligned_nudge
# Relative nudge from player function
execute if entity @p[tag=as_selected,scores={as_trigger=1112..1129}] rotated as @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:relative_position_nudge
# Kills temp armor stand
kill @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand]
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Description: Put armor stand into a preset pose
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=20}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=21}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[20.0f,0.0f,10.0f],LeftArm:[-20.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[-20.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[20.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=22}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-40.0f,0.0f,10.0f],LeftArm:[40.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[40.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[-40.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=23}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,20.0f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-90.0f,18.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=24}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-20.0f,-20.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-50.0f,50.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[-20.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[20.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=25}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[15.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-60.0f,-10.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[10.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[-15.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[30.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=26}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-15.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-120.0f,-10.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[10.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[15.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=27}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-80.0f,20.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-80.0f,-20.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[-90.0f,10.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[-90.0f,-10.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=28}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-15.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[10.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-140.0f,-10.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[70.0f,0.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[75.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=29}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[10.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-90.0f,-10.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-75.0f,0.0f,10.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[75.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=30}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-10.0f,20.0f,0.0f],Body:[-2.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[5.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[5.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[16.0f,2.0f,10.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,-10.0f,-4.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=31}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[5.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-124.0f,-51.0f,-35.0f],LeftArm:[29.0f,0.0f,25.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,-4.0f,-2.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,4.0f,2.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=32}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-85.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[-90.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-90.0f,10.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-90.0f,-10.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=33}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[45.0f,-4.0f,1.0f],Body:[10.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[18.0f,-14.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-72.0f,24.0f,47.0f],RightLeg:[25.0f,-2.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[-4.0f,-6.0f,-2.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=34}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[14.0f,-12.0f,6.0f],Body:[5.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-40.0f,20.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[-4.0f,-20.0f,-10.0f],RightLeg:[-88.0f,71.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[-88.0f,46.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=35}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,30.0f,0f],Body:[0.0f,13.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-22.0f,31.0f,10.0f],LeftArm:[145.0f,22.0f,-49.0f],RightLeg:[6.0f,-20.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[-6.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=36}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[4.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[4.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[30.0f,22.0f,-20.0f],LeftArm:[30.0f,-20.0f,21.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,5.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,-5.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=37}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[63.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[10.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-5.0f,0.0f,5.0f],LeftArm:[-5.0f,0.0f,-5.0f],RightLeg:[-5.0f,-10.0f,5.0f],LeftLeg:[-5.0f,16.0f,-5.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=38}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-11.0f,0.0f,0.0f],Body:[-4.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[0.0f,0.0f,100.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,-100.0f],RightLeg:[-8.0f,0.0f,60.0f],LeftLeg:[-8.0f,0.0f,-60.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=39}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[-22.0f,25.0f,0.0f],Body:[-4.0f,10.0f,0.0f],RightArm:[-153.0f,34.0f,-3.0f],LeftArm:[4.0f,18.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[-4.0f,17.0f,2.0f],LeftLeg:[6.0f,24.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=141}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-15.0f,-45.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=142}] run data merge entity @s {Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-90.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]}}
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# Description: Align stand with tripwire hook to make a tool rack
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Turn off gravity for armor stand
data merge entity @s {NoGravity:1b}
# Check for an tripwire hook in the blocks above the stand and, if found, move the stand into position below the hook and tag it
execute at @s align xyz positioned ~0.5 ~ ~0.5 if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tp @s ~ ~ ~
execute at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tag @s add as_rack
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] at @s align xyz positioned ~0.5 ~1 ~0.5 if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tp @s ~ ~ ~
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tag @s add as_rack
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] at @s align xyz positioned ~0.5 ~2 ~0.5 if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tp @s ~ ~ ~
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook run tag @s add as_rack
# If there is a tripwire hook above the armor stand, rotate the stand to match it's orientation
execute at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook[facing=north] run data merge entity @s {Rotation:[180.0f,0.0f]}
execute at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook[facing=east] run data merge entity @s {Rotation:[-90.0f,0.0f]}
execute at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook[facing=south] run data merge entity @s {Rotation:[0.0f,0.0f]}
execute at @s if block ~ ~1 ~ minecraft:tripwire_hook[facing=west] run data merge entity @s {Rotation:[90.0f,0.0f]}
# If armor stand is not tagged, display failure message
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] run title @a[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] actionbar [{"text":"Tripwire hook not found","color":"dark_red"}]
execute if entity @s[tag=!as_rack] run tellraw @a[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] [{"text":"<Stick_God> ","color":"dark_green"},{"text":"Tripwire hook not found","color":"dark_red"}]
# Otherwise, adjust the armor stand pose and settings, disabling all slots but the main hand, and move it into place
execute if entity @s[tag=as_rack,scores={as_trigger=155}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b,Invisible:1b,Pose:{Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f],RightArm:[-100.0f,90.0f,180.0f],LeftArm:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],RightLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f],LeftLeg:[0.0f,0.0f,0.0f]},DisabledSlots:4079166}
execute if entity @s[tag=as_rack,scores={as_trigger=155}] at @s run tp @s ^-0.17 ^0.24 ^-0.05
# Tag the armor stand as modified
execute if entity @s[tag=as_rack] run tag @s add as_modified
# Also, mark as locked
execute if entity @s[tag=as_rack] run tag @s add as_locked
# Finally, remove the as_rack tag
execute if entity @s[tag=as_rack] run tag @s remove as_rack
@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
# Description: Randomizes armor stand pose
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Summons temp armor stand
summon minecraft:armor_stand ~ 0 ~ {NoGravity:1b,Invulnerable:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b,Tags:["as_temp_armor_stand"],DisabledSlots:4144959,Silent:1b}
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose set value {Head:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f], Body:[0.0f,0.001f,0.0f], LeftArm:[-10.0f,0.001f,-10.0f], RightArm:[-15.0f,0.001f,10.0f], LeftLeg:[-1.0f,0.001f,-1.0f], RightLeg:[1.0f,0.001f,1.0f]}
loot replace entity @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] armor.head loot as:random_pose
# Generate randomizers
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/head
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/body
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/left_arm
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/right_arm
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/left_leg
execute as @e[type=minecraft:armor_stand,sort=nearest,limit=1,tag=as_temp_armor_stand] run function as:randomizer/right_leg
# Sets random pose
data modify entity @s Pose set from storage customizable_armor_stands:pose_storage Pose
# Kills temp armor stand
kill @e[type=armor_stand,tag=as_temp_armor_stand]
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
# Description: Adjust rotation of armor stand
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Note: The function is being executed at the location of the original player, not the armor stand, so @p must be the same player
# Trigger values 52 thru 55 are redundant and kept for backwards compatibility
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=52..57}] store result score @s as_pose run data get entity @s Rotation[0] 1
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=52}] run scoreboard players add @s as_pose 45
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=53}] run scoreboard players add @s as_pose 5
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=54}] run scoreboard players remove @s as_pose 5
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=55}] run scoreboard players remove @s as_pose 45
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=56}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose += @p as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=57}] run scoreboard players operation @s as_pose -= @p as_angle
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=52..57}] store result entity @s Rotation[0] float 1 run scoreboard players get @s as_pose
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# Description: Change the armor stand's basic settings
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=1}] run data merge entity @s {NoBasePlate:0b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=2}] run data merge entity @s {NoBasePlate:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=3}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=4}] run data merge entity @s {ShowArms:0b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=5}] run data merge entity @s {Small:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=6}] run data merge entity @s {Small:0b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=7}] run data merge entity @s {NoGravity:0b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=8}] run data merge entity @s {NoGravity:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=9}] run data merge entity @s {Invisible:0b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=10}] run data merge entity @s {Invisible:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=11}] run data merge entity @s {CustomNameVisible:1b}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=12}] run data merge entity @s {CustomNameVisible:0b}
# Tag the armor stand as modified
tag @s add as_modified
# Report changes to gravity setting as it is not visible
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=7}] run title @a[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] actionbar {"color":"dark_green","text":"Gravity is turned on"}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=7}] run tellraw @a[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] {"color":"dark_green","text":"<Stick_God> Gravity is turned on"}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=8}] run title @a[tag=as_selected,tag=!as_chat] actionbar {"color":"dark_green","text":"Gravity is turned off"}
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=8}] run tellraw @a[tag=as_selected,tag=as_chat] {"color":"dark_green","text":"<Stick_God> Gravity is turned off"}
@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
# Description: Exchange items between equipment slots
# Called by: as:trigger
# Entity @s: armor stand
# Creates temporary storage
#data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:slot_storage {} set value {Slots:[{}, {}]}
# Copy item from main hand to temporary storage
data modify storage customizable_armor_stands:slot_storage Slot set from entity @s HandItems[0]
# Copy item from off hand or head to main hand
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=161}] run data modify entity @s HandItems[0] set from entity @s HandItems[1]
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=162}] run data modify entity @s HandItems[0] set from entity @s ArmorItems[3]
# Copy item from temporary storage to off hand or head
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=161}] run data modify entity @s HandItems[1] set from storage customizable_armor_stands:slot_storage Slot
execute if entity @s[scores={as_trigger=162}] run data modify entity @s ArmorItems[3] set from storage customizable_armor_stands:slot_storage Slot
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
# Description: Remove scoreboards
# Called by: main:#uninstall
# Entity @s: None
# Remove scoreboards
scoreboard objectives remove as_trigger
scoreboard objectives remove as_pose
scoreboard objectives remove as_angle
scoreboard objectives remove as_help
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
"type": "minecraft:loot",
"pools": [
"rolls": 1,
"entries": [
"type": "minecraft:item",
"name": "minecraft:written_book",
"functions": [
"function": "minecraft:set_nbt",
"tag": "{
title:\"Statues V2.6\",
author:\"Stick God\",
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Statues V2.6\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"This book allows you to apply basic settings to an armor stand. Clicking the coloured links will adjust the closest armor stand within three blocks.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n Table of Contents\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Pose Adjust\",\"color\":\"dark_aqua\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"change_page\",\"value\":6}},
{\"text\":\" ..\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Auto Align\",\"color\":\"dark_aqua\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"change_page\",\"value\":7}},
{\"text\":\" .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Swap Slots\",\"color\":\"dark_aqua\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"change_page\",\"value\":7}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\" .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Check Target\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 999\"}}
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Style Settings\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\nShow Base Plate:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 2\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nShow Arms:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 3\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 4\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nSmall Stand:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 5\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 6\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nApply Gravity:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 7\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 8\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nStand Visible:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 9\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 10\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nDisplay Name:\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Yes\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 11\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"No\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 12\"}}
{\"text\":\" .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Nudge Position\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Turn gravity off before nudging the Y-position.\\\\n\\\\nRelative Aligned nudging moves the armor stand relative to the player\\'s position and aligned to the block grid. (X=Left/Right, Z=Away/Towards)\\\\n\\\\nRelative Aligned nudging moves the armor stand relative to the player\\'s exact position. (X=Left/Right, Y=Above/Below, Z=Away/Towards)\\\\n\\\\nNudges are in 16ths of a block to align with the pixels of the block textures.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\nX: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 40\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 101\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 102\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 103\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 104\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 43\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nY: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 44\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 105\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 106\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 107\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 108\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 47\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nZ: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 48\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 109\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 110\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 111\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 112\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 51\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n Relative Aligned \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nX: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1100\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1101\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1102\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1103\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1104\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1105\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nZ: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1106\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1107\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1108\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1109\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1110\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1111\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n Relative Exact \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nX: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1112\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1113\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1114\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1115\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1116\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1117\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nY: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1118\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1119\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1120\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1121\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1122\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1123\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\nZ: \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"-8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1124\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1125\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"-1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1126\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+1\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1127\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+3\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1128\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"+8\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1129\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Adjust Rotation\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"The angle step (default 15\\\\u00b0) is used for both the stand rotation and the pose adjustments.\\\\n\\\\nToward and Away turn the armor stand to face toward or away from you.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"<<\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 56\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"45\\\\u00b0\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 120\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"15\\\\u00b0\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 121\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"5\\\\u00b0\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 122\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"1\\\\u00b0\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 123\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\">>\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 57\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Toward\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 124\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Away\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 125\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Points selected appendage at head or feet.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\" .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
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{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
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{\"text\":\"Block on surface\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 151\"},\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Align an armor stand placed on a surface so that a block held by it appears on the surface.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
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{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Swap Slots\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Swap items between equipment slots\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"Mainhand \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"<->\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 161\"}},
{\"text\":\" Offhand\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Mainhand \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"<->\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 162\"}},
{\"text\":\" Head\",\"color\":\"black\"}
{\"text\":\"Pose Mirror & Flip\",\"color\":\"dark_blue\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Mirroring copies the arm or leg pose from left to right or vice versa. Flipping reverses the armor stand\\'s pose entirely.\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Mirror Arms\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"L>R\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 131\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"R>L\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 132\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"L>R\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 133\"}},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"R>L\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 134\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"<-Flip->\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 135\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\u24be\",\"color\":\"dark_purple\",\"hoverEvent\":{\"action\":\"show_text\",\"value\":[{\"text\":\"Copying an armor stand stores it\\'s settings and pose in the book and these can then be pasted into another armor stand. The book must be the selected item in your mainhand or offhand for this to work.\\\\n\\\\nLocking an armor stand prevents it from being changed using the book and disables interaction with the equipment slots.\\\\n\\\\nSealing an armor stand, which is only available in creative mode, does the same and in addition makes it invulnerable\",\"color\":\"yellow\"}]}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n .\",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Copy\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1004\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"Paste\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1005\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Lock\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1000\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"Unlock\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/trigger as_trigger set 1001\"}},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Seal\",\"color\":\"dark_green\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/function as:sealing/seal\"}},
{\"text\":\" / \",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"Unseal\",\"color\":\"red\",\"clickEvent\":{\"action\":\"run_command\",\"value\":\"/function as:sealing/unseal\"}}
{\"text\":\" \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n Original concept by\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Vanilla Tweaks\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"integration by\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"Additional ideas and\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
{\"text\":\"improvements by\",\"color\":\"black\"},
{\"text\":\"\\\\n \",\"color\":\"white\"},
@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"min": -180,
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"min": -180,
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"max": 180
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"name": "left_arm_z",
"attribute": "generic.attackDamage",
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"operation": "addition"
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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"min": -180,
"max": 180
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Normal file
Normal file
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"offhand": {
"item": "minecraft:written_book",
"nbt": "{datapack:ArmourStatuesV2}"
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"equipment": {
"mainhand": {
"item": "minecraft:written_book",
"nbt": "{datapack:ArmourStatuesV2}"
"offhand": {
"item": "minecraft:written_book",
"nbt": "{datapack:ArmourStatuesV2}"
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.15
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.15
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.2
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.3
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.4
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.50
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.70
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"condition": "minecraft:random_chance",
"chance": 0.85
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"condition": "minecraft:alternative",
"terms": [
"condition": "minecraft:reference",
"name": "as:savedpose_mainhand"
"condition": "minecraft:reference",
"name": "as:savedpose_offhand"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"equipment": {
"mainhand": {
"item": "minecraft:written_book",
"nbt": "{datapack:ArmourStatuesV2, SavedPose:{} }"
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
"condition": "minecraft:entity_properties",
"entity": "this",
"predicate": {
"equipment": {
"offhand": {
"item": "minecraft:written_book",
"nbt": "{datapack:ArmourStatuesV2, SavedPose:{} }"
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"display": {
"icon": {
"item": "minecraft:armor_stand"
"title": {
"text": "Customisable Armour Stands",
"color": "white",
"bold": false,
"italic": false
"description": {
"text": "Customise armour stands using a book of clickable links",
"color": "green",
"bold": false,
"italic": true
"show_toast": false,
"announce_to_chat": false,
"frame": "goal"
"parent": "main:main/root",
"criteria": {
"tick": {
"trigger": "minecraft:tick"
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
"display": {
"icon": {
"item": "minecraft:chest"
"title": {
"text": "Vanilla Tweaks",
"bold": true,
"color": "gold"
"description": {
"text": "All currently installed datapacks",
"color": "white",
"bold": false,
"italic": true
"background": "minecraft:textures/block/black_concrete.png",
"show_toast": false,
"announce_to_chat": false,
"frame": "challenge"
"criteria": {
"tick": {
"trigger": "minecraft:tick"
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Desc: Creates required global scores
# Called by: #main:init
scoreboard objectives add hc_tick dummy
scoreboard objectives add hc_uninstall dummy
@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Desc: Controls all function to run on the server. Make funtions run much less
# Called by: #minecraft:tick
scoreboard players add #hc_tick hc_tick 1
# Every tick
function #main:tick
# Every 1 second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 1 run function #main:second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 21 run function #main:second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 41 run function #main:second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 61 run function #main:second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 81 run function #main:second
execute if score #hc_tick hc_tick matches 100.. run scoreboard players set #hc_tick hc_tick 0
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
# Desc: Main uninstall message. Will only be displayed once.
# Called by: #main:uninstall
scoreboard players add @s hc_uninstall 1
tellraw @s[scores={hc_uninstall=1}] ["",{"text":"All ","color":"red"},{"text":"datapacks ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"removed. \nTo complete the process, remove all ","color":"red"},{"text":"unwanted datapacks ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"from your ","color":"red"},{"text":"datapacks ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"folder. ","color":"red"},{"text":"/reload ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"after.","color":"red"}]
scoreboard objectives remove hc_tick
scoreboard objectives remove hc_uninstall
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"values": [
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"values": [
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"values": [
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"values": [
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"values": [
@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
"values": [
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# Everything you should know about this pack:
1. This datapack uses a book of clickable links to modify the settings and pose of armour stands.
2. Once the datapack is installed, use "/trigger as_help" to see how to obtain the book.
By default this is by clicking a link in the help text but this can be changed in the admin settings.
3. Admin settings are available using "/function as:admin" command and include:
- Creating and removing a particle shrine for obtaining the book.
- Enabling and disabling a crafting method for obtaining the book.
- Enabling and disabling the link in the help text for obtaining the book.
- Removing unused armour stands; ones that are invisible and do not hold or wear any items.
4. The help text will be amended to show the selected method(s) of obtaining the book
5. The help text also includes options to have notification messages in either the action bar or in chat.
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"description":"Armour Statues"
Reference in New Issue
Block a user